Throughout Ironman Week (October October 4 – October 9) Huggo’s restaurant was “Tri-Center” with private parties, breakast talk shows and a constant stream of triathletes competing for tables at dinner time! Capping this year’s festivities, K-Swiss hosted its 4th Annual post-race VIP Party at Huggo’s on Sunday, October 9. Vice President of Running for K-Swiss, Mike Rouse, and Huggo’s proprietor Eric welcomed a star-studded parade of guests including 2011 Champion Craig Alexander, 2nd place women’s finisher Mirinda Carfrae, 3rd place male Andreas Raelert, and other elite superstars: Chris Lieto, Norman Stadler, Terenzo Bazzone among many others. We look forward to doing it all again next year! In the meantime, we’re including some of our favorite 2011 Ironman World Championship moments in the photos that follow.
2010 Ironman World Champion Chris McCormack with our Chef Ken at Huggo's entrance. Chris says, "Huggo's serves the best grilled ahi on the island -- hands down!". Mahalo Chris. The ever popular, always wacky Tighty Whitey race pre-championship day in Kailua-Kona. More Tighty Whities striking a pose.Couch potato proudly sporting a "Thank God I'm Not Racing" hat from party of the same name held at Huggo's on race day eve.